We are People of Action
Based in Legazpi City, Philippines under Rotary International District 3820 -- We are part of a global network of more than 1.2 million neighbors, friends, and leaders volunteer their skills and resources to solve issues and address community needs.
We connect people
We transform communities
We organize sustainable projects
news & feature

Rotary International is 120 years
On February 23, 2025, we celebrate a remarkable milestone—120 years of Rotary International! What began as a simple idea in Chicago in 1905, when Paul Harris and three friends gathered to form a fellowship of business professionals, has grown into a global movement of 1.4 million Rotarians in over 46,000 clubs worldwide.
RCLC joins Uplift Internationale for Operation Taghoy Project
Rotary clubs from District 3820 joined forces in Operation Taghoy, an initiative of Uplift Internationale based in Denver, Colorado, USA, to provide medical assistance to Filipino impoverished children. ‘Taghoy’ is the Cebuano word for ‘whistle’
US-based doctors and nurses arrived in Legazpi City on Feb. 7, 2025 and set up their facilities at Ago General Hospital. The effort involved a wide network of Rotary clubs from districts 3850, D3830, 3810 together District 3820 clubs which includes RCLC.

What We do
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Batang Rotarian Award
RC Legazpi Central want to encourage the Rotarian Spirit for <12yo students in schools.
The Guidance Counselor chooses 1 child of the graduating batch who embodies and applies the Rotary Four Way test. The recipient is recognized at commencement exercises with a medal, certificate and cash/on-cash incentive.
Magic Fish: gambusia Affinis
RC Legaspi Central introduced a novel way to counter Dengue and Malaria. By using a natural predator, generations of mosquitos {the carrier of Dengue and Malalia} can be killed by their eggs eaten by these special fish.
Rain barrels, canals, flower vases and even unused fish tanks are okay for these fish to thrive and kill generations of mosquitos.
KKKK: Bamboo Project
RC Legaspi Central partnered with 12 other Rotary clubs with 3 coming from Japan to start an ambitious project to plant more than 25k Giant Bamboo around Mt. Mayon Volcano.
The aim is to combat Climate Change, control erosion, rehabilitate quarry sites, provide future food source and livelihood for the residents at the slopes.